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The Site Rules

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1The Site Rules Empty The Site Rules Fri May 20, 2011 2:52 am


S-Ranked Missing Nin.
S-Ranked Missing Nin.

Naruto Bijuu Rebellion consist of three types of warning systems.

The first and most obvious is a Site Wide Warning system, this is use for spam, breaking the rules, excessive bad things, posting in places you aren't supposed to.

You will simply be warned, with the usual click of the button.

The site holds warnings for 90 days, and that means you have 90 days to be on better behavior.

You get three warnings, once you have obtained 3 warnings, the site will automatically ban you for no less than 3 days. During those three days the Discipline Branch will discuss what you have done, and consider if it warrants a 4 more day ban, totally a week, or should you come back after three days.

When-ever you come back, you still have 3 warnings and are on a probation period, which lasts the remainder of the 90 days. Should you screw up again, you will again be banned but this time for a full week, not shortened.

After a week, you come back and will be on probation for the remainder of the 90 days, IF you are banned a 3rd time, your ban shall last the remainder of the 90 days. So, basically you could be banned for almost 3 months if you fuck up too much, so I suggest you heed warnings carefully.

The second type of warning is IC warning, these are for things like god modding, fudging jutsu's or trainings, meta-gaming, misusing systems, or being a douche bag, like using a weapon you never purchased, or fighting with a not approved jutsu.

These warnings aren't ban-able offenses in there own right, however you do get docked, punishment fits the crime, after three breaking of the rules, you can have things removed, items, jutsu's, elements, money. If it goes further than that, you stem into demotion of stats, rank. It could end up with you losing alt rights, or rights to ever hold anything higher than chuunin if you break too many rules.

The third type is chat box bannings, depending on severity, they consist of a time out, where you can see the chat but can't respond. Ignore, where everyone can't see you, nor read what you type, but you can read and respond to what they say. Or removal from box for a set length of time.

Sometimes tempers flare and things become heated, perhaps insulting staff, or staff insulting you, the range can be vast, but the feelings one feels in the moment can soar ever higher.

People are different, what is important to some is not to others, and what is important to others is not important to some. Just because YOU find something pointless or stupid, does not mean everyone else does, and sorry to say the person who you directed it at, has the final say on whats important to them more than whats not important. Actions that result in "apathy" statements about how something is irrelevant or obtuse won't be tolerated, we are all different, either act like it or please find the exit.

However, to this we have created a system to allowing parties to come forward, and at the same time letting tempers cool beyond the heat of the moment.

Chatbox idioms - Chat box Idioms are versicle and often times poor excuses to let off frustration and anger.
If one feels they have been abused in the chat box, they may follow this simple procedure.

1. Screen shot it, also ask for witnesses, screen shot who is a witness as well.
2. Wait 12 hours, minimal
3. PM two people, 1 the party involved telling them you feel you were abused and wish for the matter to be investigated, and a staff member WHO WAS NOT PRESENT. That staff member will then bring the incident in front of an admin and the matter shall be investigated.

Not waiting 12 hours results in an extra 9 hour extension to your cause, meaning if you send a pm 50 minutes after said abuse, not only will staff not look or deal with it for 12 hours, but an extra 9 as well, meaning you have to pm them again 21 hours later min, otherwise staff will not discuss it.

Forum Relevant things - Profile abused, something not approved because of who you are, or just feel they were unfair. Follow this system to ensure continuity.
1. Do not talk about it, do not post comments, do not argue, do not backbite on the chat box, let the issue alone.
2. After 24 hours (one IRL DAY) has passed, bring it to the attention of, 1. The person who you feel did you wrong, telling them you wish to have the matter investigated further. 2. A staff member who has not commented on what was said. Meaning if a staff member have posted in your app, bring it to the attention of an admin.

Specific Incidents and Causation-
The saying goes an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind... which isn't true because I take your eye... you can take mine... and the system is ended.

That is not how it works more often than not, members and staff who have causation to act in a specific way can and might be excempt to the system. No bad days, or being ill is not an excuse for poor behavior.

However if a member deserved it, say they insulted staff, and staff insulted back, people need to deal with it.

If you make something god mode, and you have a pretty good idea it is, and you continue to argue it, expect to have a stfu thrown your way.

Ignorance is not 9/10ths of the law, claiming you didn't know, or "wasn't aware" is not an excuse, on any side. Also claiming so and so did it, and got away is a great way to earn a STFU.

This system was meant to help staff deal with real abuses and unfair treatment, petty sniping and gripping over this, or trying to use this system to advance your own cause, is not in the spirit of this system at all.

Harassment :
1. To disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually;
pester; persecute.

If a member asks you to stop insulting them or calling them an offensive name and you refuse, staff will deal with you. As far as what 'deal with you' means, that will be determined by the severity of your breaking of this Rule. Punishment can range from simple chat box bannings for 10 minutes to permanent site/IP ban. This rule is applied sitewide [Chatbox and Forums]

This rule includes no more use of racial terms by anyone regarding any race, ethnicity, and religion.

pester :
ˈpes.tər//-tɚ/ v [T]
to behave in an annoying manner towards someone by doing or asking for something repeatedly

Any member found pestering, either by repeatedly asking for something to be looked at, or prodding into action, vote on this, look at that etc.

Approval of Applications, Jutsu's, Summons, Trainings, Missions, Char Updates, shall be posted ONCE, and then only may then be "bumped" after 48 hours. Asking on the chatbox or through pm's is not permitted under the 48 hour mark.

petty adjective
/ˈpet.i//ˈpet ̬-/ adj
[before noun] not important and not worth giving attention to

[after noun] complaining too much about things which are not important

Being petty over things that are not important can bring about action should the situation arise, such as arguing over wither or not a admin should have voted a certain way. Arguing about who how powerful Sasuke is, or even definitions of words is considered petty.

Being Petty for whatever reason can result in a kick and up to 1 day ban on the chat box, it is up to staff digression, meaning if they feel you are being petty, you can and will be kicked. Arguing over being kicked or banned for any limit under a day is consider petty.

Staff Opinion Vs Personal Opinion -

Staff Opinion - the thoughts or beliefs that a group of people have
Personal - a thought or belief about something or someone

When staff decide on a course of action, be you for or against it, staff opinion holds true. Comments about personal opinions outweighing staff opinions are irrelevant and petty, and will be considered as such.

Passive Aggressive -
being, marked by, or displaying behavior characterized by the expression of negative feelings, resentment, and aggression in an unassertive passive way (as through procrastination and stubbornness)

As such, passive aggressive tendencies and comments will be considered a form of harassment. This does include things dealing with rules, the site, discussions, rulings, and staff opinions. It is not limited to being or acting wrong I.E

"Staff agreed Rinnegan is too powerful, however I believe they are wrong"

But includes

"Staff agrees Rinnegan is too powerful, however blind and naive they may be"

One is directed as an opinion, the other is an ascertain that expresses negative feelings, resentment and aggression.

Refusing to do work, role play, or volunteer information under certain rules and regulations is considered passive aggressive and can/will be treated as such, either removal of OOC relevant things, such as loss of pm privileges for a month, ranging to IC things should said things include ic situations (Refusing to post)

continuance -
: the extent of continuing : duration

: the quality of enduring : permanence

The quality of arguing after being warned or kicked, even arguing about being kicked or warned itself is an act of continuance. Kicking or Banning of a member/staff results in loss of right to continue argument further. A invertible stopping of the argument, should said party keep arguing other specific punishments may take place, not limited to both IC and OOC punishments depending on user and past history.

Pre-determined factors -
foreordain, predestine b : to determine beforehand

: to impose a direction or tendency on beforehand

Staff may and can use predetermined factors to judge and act upon a situation accordingly, as such, a member having been kicked 5 minutes ago for arguing over what the rule says, may be factored into kicking them again should they display continuance tendencies.

When demanded to by an administrator any member, moderator, or equal administrator is expected and required to tell any information regarding anything related to or dealing with the storyline, characters, accounts, persons, roleplay, or anything else within The Naruto RPG. The administrator demanding information has the authority to issue punishment if this information is refused.

IF a village, or anyone one does something that effects plot, site development or anything, a ADMIN should know about it, to ensure bogus crap doesn't go on. What this new rule does, is ensure fair play to the most part. I hate the excuse "This is a ninja rp, thus we can be ninja's about it" Yes, you can be ninja's, but I'll push for a PC law if things get out of hand, and you don't want that. This rule isn't about "bringing down the man" Its about making sure the site floats and stays afloat. If someone wants to plan a invasion, sure let at least some admin know, then perhaps we can expound on it, and go "Hey if you wait a week, we could turn it into a giant event".

"This administrators have the right to put into forth regulations in order to maintain the security and freedom of the forum. Further more, any rules are subject to the administrators, as such new rules can be made in a post humorous situations as deemed appropriate. The administrators reserve the right to create, modify and negate current standing rules, or develop them when situations arise. Due to the freeform nature of this rp, all rules do not have to be written to be enforce, the general policy is they are, but there are times when certain situations arise that need attention, and regardless of policies or not, admins have the right enforce judgment on anything they deem necessary. "

Last edited by Cut on Fri May 20, 2011 2:54 am; edited 1 time in total

2The Site Rules Empty Re: The Site Rules Fri May 20, 2011 2:53 am


S-Ranked Missing Nin.
S-Ranked Missing Nin.

Registration Rules:

Your username should match the name of your character;
Follow the Template (if you need help, either join the chatbox or PM a Moderator);
Wait for approval;
After a staff member stamps it with an approve, have fun role-playing!

Common Rules:

Descriptions of death, gore and blood are allowed in this forum;
Members who hold important positions (e.g.: Kage, Plot NPC, Clan Leader) and who are not online for 2 weeks or more without warning the staff will have their characters withdrawn from their position and removed from the roster.
Shady or offensive actions performed by moderators can and must be reported to the administrators;
There must be no rudeness, insulting or flaming directed at the staff members or the community of the site. Action will be taken immediately, resulting in a ban of specific duration depending on the attacker's actions;
Double-posting is forbidden, except when training alone;
A member's Avatar should represent the character they are playing.

Role-Playing Rules:

The person's character must act exactly like he/she described him/her/it when they submitted the profile. For example, if you said your char is dark and quiet, you cannot make him run around happily.
You cannot kill another Role-Player's character without a justified reason. Random-killing is frowned upon and will not be tolerated.
You cannot describe the actions of other characters other than your own, except if they are NPCs created by you for the sole purpose of development or you are given permission by the member to do so.
Your character cannot perform a hundred actions in a single post. Be realistic and write according the situation.
You cannot multi-post. This means your character cannot be in two places at the same time, except if it's by the use of a clone. In that particular situation, your character's clone cannot leave the Land you are located at.
Patience is a virtue. Give others time to write and post their replies.
If you're going to be absent for more than 3 days, please inform the community and staff of this site by posting in the "Absence" board. Be sure to exit active posts your character is located at so that it does not hinder Role-Play in any way.

Post Rules:

Your messages must be at least 5 full sentences long (seven words complete a sentence);
You can only write in third and first person's side of view, without using asterisks (e.g.: *eats an apple* isn't acceptable and it will be deleted from the thread);
Your post should contain actions, thoughts and speech of your character. Try to separate these with obvious formats (e.g.: speech can be written in bold, while thoughts can be written in italics);
You must always write where did you come from and to what topic you're going.

Fighting Rules:

There are no battles without the injuries - you cannot dodge attacks forever;
Auto-hit is not allowed in this forum. For you to describe that your character attacked and hit its target in the same post is auto-hitting;
A battle needs organization and structure so that it doesn't become confusing. When in a group battle, try to find a solid post order, generally based on the order of entrance or attacks (e.g.: Takimoto attacked, followed by Io and Yakumo. The order would be Takimoto -> Io -> Yakumo);
Make sure to pay attention to your opponent's post. If you are confused about a part of his post, you are able to ask him for clarification on its meaning;
When your character is physically engaged, you have forty-eight hours to reply to your attacker's post. If you fail to do so and have no absence listed in the "Absence Board" or did not notify the staff, your opponent is able to "connect" his hit in a second post.

Alternate Character Rules:
You may have up to three characters. One main character and two alternatives, which we abbreviate to "alts".
When you register an alternative character, please specify that in your application title, adding what character is your main. e.g.: "Akume Rekkan - Alt of Yoshitoki Takimoto".
Your alternative characters cannot have the Kekkei Genkai or Clan Specialty of your main or second "alt".


You are forbidden from role-playing with both characters in order to help each other. If you are interested in both meeting strictly for development, contact an administrator and explain why you would like them to meet. If you're allowed, your topic will be supervised so that it doesn't break the rules.

Implants and Basic Rules:

Any type of eye implant (Sharingan, Byakugan or other Doujutsu) has a criteria that must be followed by the Role-Player who wishes to acquire it for a particular character.

Permission of the Board of Directors: You Must have the BoD's members' permission to be able to implant the said bloodline into your character. Administrative Officers are not able to approve or deny these applications.
Trial: You MUST post a clear and concise "letter" (Private Message) to the BoD with the reason why you should be able to achieve an implant. Include things like the risk you took, why we should allow your two blood types to be compatible and give reasons as to why you have earned it.
Note: Saying "I killed him" or "Because I think it would be good for my character" are automatic denials. You need to be thorough and detailed in your reasoning.
The Role-Player requires both quality and quantity in his writing skill: The character in question must have a detailed background and thorough personality, along with a continuous demonstration of quality and quantity through the Role-Play.
The Role-Player must show appropriate resolve: To gain an implant is like earning an achievement, and it should be seen as such. Like obtaining the dangerous rank of SS.
Kekkei Genkai: A character is unable to have an implant if he/she possess a Bloodline Limit.

Suicide Rule:

Suicide is banned
All uses who do suicide or done death by cop get 1 official warning.
Anyone found helping a suicide, by inactive "lost profiles" even throwing fights will receive the same punishment as those who suicide.
ONCE your alt has been made and its a rank lower, your warning is lifted, THUS this warning is not stipulated to the 3 month as normal ones. This is a "SPECIAL" warning.

What this means if you do it
You killed yourself, you just lost your alt... that means at max your only now allowed 2 alts.
Your char's all start out as a genin... so you die... and now your a genin

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